Deer are one of nature’s most graceful creatures. They’re among the most accessible animals to attract to your property, as they love to feed on corn. However, feeding deer corn can harm their health, so it’s important to know what to feed deer instead of corn.
Deer love to eat corn, but it’s not the healthiest food for them. Corn can cause deer to become obese and develop health problems.
Many people think feeding deer corn is the only way to keep them around, but this isn’t true!
There are a lot of other foods that deer love that is better for their health.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best alternatives to corn that you can use to keep your deer happy and healthy. Keep reading for more information!
Quick Jump
ToggleIs It Illegal to Feed Deer on Your Property?
Well, that all depends on how you define “your property.” You shouldn’t feed deer if we’re talking about your house and the surrounding land.
If you own a farm with acres and acres of land, you can do whatever you want if the feed is more than 100 yards from any road or habitable structures.
Honestly, though, I’m not sure why someone would want to feed deer deliberately. They’re wild animals and should be left to forage for their food.
If you’re trying to attract them to your property for hunting purposes, that’s one thing. But other than that? Nope, I can’t think of a good reason.
Before we dive into the different alternatives to feeding deer corn, it’s important to note that it is illegal in some states to provide deer on your property. This law is in place to prevent the spreading of chronic wasting disease among deer populations.
If you live in a state where it is illegal to feed deer, you’ll need to find other ways to attract them to your property.
One way to do this is by planting a garden with some of their favorite foods. Another option is to install a deer-proof fence around your property.
What Can You Feed Deer?
What to Feed Deer in Backyard? Yes, you can feed deer. But, it would help if you were careful what you feed them. Deer eat small amounts of many things, but mainly they are hungry herbivores that will eat almost any type of vegetation.
This includes most fruits, vegetables, leaves, grass, and tree bark. However, there are some things that you should not feed deer as it can potentially harm them.
Here is a list of the things you should avoid feeding deer:
- One of the things you should avoid feeding deer is human food. This includes any bread, crackers, or greasy foods.
- It would be best if you also avoid feeding them fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides.
- Another thing to avoid is corn on the cob, which can cause intestinal blockage.
- And finally, don’t give them cattle feed or products containing insecticides or herbicides.
What to Feed Deer Instead of Corn? (Top 5 Alternatives)
If you’re a deer lover, you know corn is the key to keeping them happy and healthy. But what do you do when the corn runs out? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
What to Feed Deer Instead of Corn?
So, if you’re not supposed to feed deer corn, what are you supposed to supplemental feed them? Here are a few ideas:
Check out our top 5 alternatives to feeding deer corn below! These foods will help keep your deer healthy and happy without having to resort to giving them corn.
Fruits and vegetables
Deer love to eat fruits and vegetables, so if you have a garden, include some of their favorites in your plantings. The best fruits and vegetables to feed deer are apples, pears, carrots, peas, beans, and lettuce.
Hay is an excellent source of nutrition for deer and can easily be found at your local farm supply store. Make sure to get hay specifically for deer, as they have different dietary needs than other animals.
Grain is another excellent alternative to corn that deer will love. You can find grain at your local farm supply store or online. Be sure to get a grain specifically for deer, as they have different dietary needs than other animals.
Deer pellets
Deer pellets are a commercial food specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of deer. You can find them at your local farm supply store or online.
Acorns are a favorite food of deer and are relatively easy to find. If you live in an area with oak trees, collect the acorns that have fallen to the ground and give them to your deer.
As you can see, there are plenty of alternatives to feeding deer corn. You can ensure they stay healthy and happy by providing them with various foods. So, remember this list next time you’re wondering what to feed deer instead of corn!
Here’s a quick recap of the top 5 alternatives to feeding deer corn:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Hay
- Grain
- Deer pellets
- Acorns
What Is the Cheapest Thing to Feed Deer?
If you’re on a budget, you may wonder what the cheapest thing to feed deer is. The good news is that there are plenty of affordable options available. Here are a few of the best:
- Fruits and vegetables are an excellent option for cheap deer feed. You can often find them on sale at your local grocery store or farmers market. If you have a garden, you can also grow fruits and vegetables to feed your deer.
- Grain is another cheap option for deer feed. You can find it at your local farm supply store or online. Be sure to get a grain specifically for deer, as they have different dietary needs than other animals.
- Deer pellets are a commercial food specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of deer. You can find them at your local farm supply store or online.
- Acorn is a favorite food of deer and is relatively easy to find. If you live in an area with oak trees, collect the acorns that have fallen to the ground and give them to your deer.
Inexpensive Way to Feed Deer (Best Way to Feed Deer)
You don’t need to break the bank to feed deer! A great combination is oats, corn, nuts, and dried fruits.
Oats are a good source of fiber, corn provides essential carbohydrates, nuts are packed with protein content and minerals, and dried fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants.
All of these foods will help keep deer healthy and robust.
What Is the Best Thing to Feed Deer?
If you’re looking to attract deer to your yard, you need to know the best thing to feed them. Luckily, there are a few options that will work well.
One of the best things you can feed deer is natural food sources. This includes things like fruits and vegetables. Deer love munching on apples, carrots, and other healthy snacks. You can also try giving them small amounts of cereal grains or deer pellets. These foods give deer the nutrients needed to stay healthy and live long lives.
Another option is to give them hay or alfalfa. These foods are fiber-rich and help keep deer’s digestive systems running smoothly. They also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for deer health.
Ultimately, the best thing to feed deer is whatever they will eat and enjoy.
What Is the Best Food to Feed Baby Deer?
If you’re looking for the best food to feed baby deer, you’ll want to give them a milk replacer. This is food specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of young deer. It is high in calories and essential nutrients and will help baby deer grow and develop properly.
The best thing to feed deer is goat milk or a milk substitute. Deer are browsers, not grazers like cows, so they don’t digest grass very well. Goat milk is easier to digest and has more nutrients than needed.
Best Deer Feed for Spin Feeders
If you’re looking for the best deer feed to put in your spin feeder, you should mix at least 25% corn. This will help ensure the deer get enough energy to make it through the winter.
Other good options to include in your deer feed mix are soybeans, oats, and wheat. These ingredients will provide your deer with a balanced diet and help keep them healthy and robust throughout the hunting season.
Sweet Feed for Deer
Sweet feed is a type of feed that is made with molasses or other sweeteners. It is often used to attract deer to an area, as they are attracted to the sweet smell.
However, it is not the best option for deer nutrition, as it is high in sugar and can cause health problems if consumed in large quantities.
If you decide to use sweet feed for deer, offer it in moderation and supplement it with other, more nutritious foods.
What Household Foods Can You Feed Deer? (Homemade Deer Feed)
Deer love apples, grapes, cherries, pears, carrots, and snap peas. These are great food options if you are trying to attract deer to your yard or property.
You can leave the food in a designated area or put it in a feeder. Be sure to keep an eye on the food plot and replenish it as needed so that the deer always have access to something tasty!
How Do You Make Homemade Deer Feed?
Many people love hunting deer, but finding them is not always easy. Even if you’re a great hunter, you still need to put in the time and effort to find the right spot and get close to your prey.
You can make your deer attractant using this simple recipe that includes corn and molasses. This video will show you how to make deer feed that will help bring the deer right to you.
What to Mix with Corn for Deer Feed?
If you’re looking to attract deer to your property, one of the best things you can do is mix the corn with other foods. This will give the deer options and help them get the necessary nutrients.
Some good things to mix with corn for deer feed are soybeans, oats, and wheat. These ingredients will provide your deer with a balanced diet and help keep them healthy and strong all season long.
What Is a Wild Deer’s Favorite Food?
Wild deer love many foods, but some of their favorites include pecans, hickory nuts, and beechnuts. Acorns are also a big hit with them, especially in the fall when they’re in season.
Pecans, hickory nuts, and beechnuts are all high in protein and high fat, which helps deer build muscle and stay healthy. Acorns are a good source of high carbohydrates, which deer need for energy. Deer also enjoy eating Lettuce, grass, rice bran, leaves, and flowers.
What Do You Feed Deer in the winter?
Winter can be a challenging time for deer. Not only do they have to worry about the cold weather, but their food sources are also more limited. This is why it’s essential to ensure you’re providing them with the proper nutrition during this hunting season.
There are a few different things you can feed deer in the winter. One option is to provide them with hay or alfalfa. Both of these options are high in fiber and help keep the deer warm in colder weather.
You can also offer them a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, cabbage, carrots, and much more. Another great option is to provide them with corn. Not only is corn high in calories, but it’s also delicious for deer.
Whether you decide to feed deer in the winter, supplement them with other nutritious options so they’re getting everything they need to stay healthy and strong.
What to Feed Deer in summer?
Just like in winter, it’s essential to provide deer with the proper nutrition during summer. The hot weather can be tough on them, so they all need access to food and water.
One of the best things you can do for deer in summer is to provide them with various fruits and vegetables. This will help them stay hydrated and give them the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Some great summer fruits and vegetables to feed deer are watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatoes, peppers, and much more. You can also offer them corn, an excellent energy source.
Feeding Deer Corn in summer
Corn is a great option to feed deer in summer. It’s high in calories and gives them the energy they need to get through the hot weather.
It’s also a great source of hydration, vital in summer.
If you’re going to feed deer corn in summer, supplement it with other nutritious options. This will help them stay healthy and strong all season long.
Commonly Asked Questions about What Can You Feed Deer (FAQ)
What Is Safe to Feed Deer in the winter?
In the winter, deer can feed on woody browse. Woody browse includes twigs, buds, barks, and needles from trees and shrubs. They can also eat fruits and nuts that are on the ground.
How Much Corn to Feed Deer Per Day?
A deer can eat anywhere from 6 to 8% of its body weight. That means that if you have a 40-pound deer, it could eat between 2.4 and 3.2 pounds of corn per day.
Of course, this is just an estimation – some deer may eat more or less corn depending on their appetite and needs. Generally speaking, though, if you’re looking to feed deer corn, you should plan on giving them around 2-3 pounds per day.
Is Corn Bad for Deer in Summer?
There is no definitive answer to this question since deer will have different preferences and tolerances for various types of food. However, corn is generally not recommended for feeding deer during summer, as it can easily lead to digestive problems.
When Should You Not Feed Deer Corn?
You should not feed deer corn if it is the only thing they eat. Corn should be supplemented with other nutritious options so that deer get everything they need to stay healthy.
You should also avoid feeding deer corn if they are already overweight, as this could further contribute to health problems.
So, what to feed deer instead of corn? Deer are becoming a nuisance in many communities as their populations continue to grow. While providing them corn is the traditional way to attract and keep deer in an area, it may not be the best thing for them or your garden. There are other foods you can feed deer that will give them the nutrients they need without damaging your plants. If you’re looking for ways to keep deer away from your property, try some of these ideas instead of feeding them corn.
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