Asian Stone Catfish – Ultimate Guide Plus (Care Notes)

asian stone catfish

Asian Stone Catfish are a unique species of catfish that can be found in certain Asian countries. They are popular fish for aquariums and make fascinating pets.

This guide will give you all the information you need to care for an Asian Stone Mini Catfish, plus some fun facts about this unique fish. So, if you’re considering adding a Stone Catfish to your aquarium, keep reading!

What Is Stone Catfish?

The Stone Catfish is a tropical fish in certain parts of Asia, they are native to northeastern India and Bangladesh.

They are a member of the Siluriformes family, which contains over 3,700 different species of catfish. The Stone Catfish Hara jerdoni gets its name because it often hides among the rocks and stones in rivers and streams.

These fish are brown or grey and have flat bodies. They can grow 4-5 inches long and live for approximately 5 years.

Stone Catfish are popular aquarium fish because they are relatively easy to care for and are interesting to watch.

They are also peaceful fish, which makes them a good choice for community tanks.

The Asian Stone Catfish is a beautiful freshwater fish with an inward curving pectoral fin.

Females have fuller bodies than males, making them look more impressive when displayed in aquariums or ponds!

Can Asian Stone Catfish Live Alone?

Asian stone catfish can live alone, but they are typically schooling fish. If you only have one, it may be shy and spend most of its time hiding. A school of four or more will give your Asian stone catfish the best chance to thrive and show their natural habitat.

Should You Get More Than One? While you can keep a single Asian stone catfish, they are schooling fish and do better when they are kept in small-size groups. If you only have one, it may be shy and spend most of its time hiding. A school of four or more will give your Asian stone catfish the best chance to thrive and show their natural antics.

What Is the Smallest Catfish?

The smallest catfish is the Asian Stone Catfish, which can grow to a length of only 2.5 inches. It inhabits quiet, shady areas of freshwater streams and ponds in Southeast Asia.

Stone catfish and Hara jerdoni are popular aquarium fish because they are relatively easy to care for and are interesting to watch. They are also peaceful fish, which makes them a good choice for community tanks.

Asian Stone Catfish Tank Mates

Stone Catfish are peaceful fish and can be kept with various tank mates. Some good options include:

  • Corydoras
  • Tetras
  • Gouramis
  • Barbs
  • Danios

When choosing tank mates for your Stone Catfish, it is essential to avoid any fish that are large enough to eat them. It is also a good idea to prevent aggressive fish that bully or harass the Stone Catfish.

Asian Stone Catfish make great tank mates for many different types of fish. Some good choices would be other types of catfish, peaceful cichlids, small schooling fish, or barbs. Any fish compatible with your water flow, temperature, and pH level would be a good choice.

It’s essential to do your research before adding any new fish to your tank to avoid any potential problems. Every aquarium is different, and it’s important to know the specific requirements of the fish you add to your tank.

Doing so will help ensure a healthy and happy aquarium filled with beautiful, thriving bottom dweller fish!

Asian Stone Catfish Care Guide & tips

You’ve just bought an Asian Stone Catfish, but you’re unsure what to do with it! Asian Stone Catfish can be tricky to take care of if you’re not used to keeping fish. But don’t worry; we’re here to help!

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about taking care of your new Asian Stone Catfish. We’ll cover everything from feeding and tank size to cleaning and water parameters.

What Size Tank Do They Need? – Asian Stone Catfish Tank Size

Asian stone catfish are relatively small, so they don’t need a huge tank. A 20-gallon tank is sufficient for a school of four fish. However, if you plan on keeping more than four fish, you will need a larger tank.

To thrive in their natural environment, stone catfish need clean water with plenty of dissolved oxygen and calm surface waters. The best way to help these bottom dweller fish is by ensuring that the aquarium has an efficient filtration system so it doesn’t get too dirty or hot around them!

They Need sandy substrate that’s soft and deep enough for the catfish to venture into. They like living in this environment, so providing them with plenty of food is crucial, and ensuring their habitat suits what they need!

What Do They Eat? – Asian Stone Catfish Diet

Asian stone catfish are omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals. They typically eat insects, small crustaceans, and algae in the wild.

You can feed them various foods in the aquarium, including pellets, flakes, and live and frozen food. It’s a good idea to offer them a variety of dry foods to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.

How Often Should You Feed Them? – Asian Stone Catfish Feeding Schedule

Asian stone catfish should be fed two or three times a day. They don’t need a lot of food, so give them enough to eat in one sitting. If you’re unsure how much to feed them, start with a small amount and increase it as needed.

How Big Does the Stone Catfish Get?(Asian Stone Catfish Size)

How Big Do Stone Catfish Get? The Asian stone catfish size is about 4 cm or 1.57 inches max. These fish are usually relatively small species and make great pets for those who are into aquariums.

How Big Do Asian Stone Mini Catfish Get? They are peaceful fish and will not bother other fish in the tank. As with all fish, it is essential to research before getting one to ensure you have the appropriate tank size and set up to accommodate them.

Asian Stone Catfish Breeding

In the wild, Stone Catfish typically breed during the rainy season. The female will lay her eggs in a nest that the male has built out of plants and stones. After the eggs are laid, the male will guard them until they hatch.

Stone Catfish can be bred year-round in the aquarium if the conditions are right. The tank should be at least 30 gallons and have a lot of hiding places. The water should be between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

To trigger breeding, you can raise the temperature of the water by a few degrees and do partial water changes every day.

The female will lay her eggs in a cave or on a leaf, and the male will fertilize them. The eggs will hatch in 5-7 days, and the fry will be free-swimming a few days later.

The fry is tiny and needs to be fed small live foods or powdered fry food. They increase and can be provided to adult fish within a few months.

Asian Stone Catfish for Sale

You want to buy an excellent fish for your aquarium, but you’re not sure which one. 

Fishkeeping can be a lot of fun, but it’s also a lot of work. You don’t want to end up with the wrong fish and have to take it back to the store.

The Asian Stone Catfish is perfect for any aquarium. This excellent catfish is easy to care for and will add personality and color to your tank.

You can find Asian Catfish for sale at your local pet store or online. Prices vary depending on the size and color of the fish.

When buying a fish, it’s essential to research and ensure you are getting the right fish for your aquarium. 

Asian Catfish Price

The Stone mini Catfish is a very affordable fish. You can usually find them for sale for around $5-$10. They make a great addition to any home aquarium and are perfect for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

Asian Stone Catfish Temperature

The ideal temperature for Asian Stone Catfish is 65-76 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in a cold climate, you may need a heater to maintain the proper temperature.

In the wild, Stone Catfish live in slow-moving rivers and streams. They are native to Southeast Asia and can be found in countries like Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

These fish are not picky eaters and will eat just about anything. They are peaceful fish and get along well with other tank mates.

Dwarf Anchor Catfish Tank Size

Minimum tank size: 3 gallons. These little guys get big – up to 6 inches long – so be sure you have enough room in your tank for them to grow! They prefer a planted aquarium with lots of hiding places and like to swim in schools of 10 or more.

They are omnivorous and will eat most types of food but should be given a diet high in protein. An easy way to do this is to feed them live food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, or guppies.

Stone Catfish Common Diseases and Treatments

There are a few diseases that Stone Catfish are susceptible to, but these can easily be treated with medication.

The most common disease is bacterial infections. These can be treated with antibiotics.

Another common disease is white spot disease, caused by a parasite. This can be treated with a medication called formalin.

If you think your fish is sick, the best thing to do is to take it to the vet for a check-up. They will be able to diagnose the problem and prescribe the proper treatment.

Preventing Disease in Stone Catfish

Maintaining a clean and healthy aquarium is the best way to prevent disease. This means regular water changes, cleaning the filter, and not overfeeding your fish.

It’s also a good idea to quarantine new fish before adding them to your tank. You can ensure they are healthy and won’t infect your other fish.

If you follow these simple tips, your Stone Catfish will be happy and healthy for years to come!


The Asian mini catfish is a unique and exciting freshwater fish that can make a great addition to your aquarium. They can live for several years with proper care and provide you with hours of enjoyment. So there, you have everything you need to know about the fantastic Asian stone catfish. Following the care notes in this guide will give your fish everything it needs to stay healthy and happy. However, keep in mind that they require specific conditions to thrive, so be sure to do your research before purchasing one. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us; we would be happy to help. Thanks for reading, and good luck!

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