Whether you’re a seasoned turkey hunter or just getting started, you’ll want to know the best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon. Every year, millions of Americans go out into the wild to try and kill a turkey.
This is a difficult task, as turkeys are intelligent and can be very dangerous.
It’s no secret that hunting turkeys can be tricky business. They’re fast, they’re smart, and they can be very dangerous. If you’re not careful, you might get hurt – or worse; you might not get your dinner.
Many folks think that the morning is the only time to hunt turkeys, but that’s not the case. In this post, we’ll reveal the best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon.

Using our simple guide, you’ll be able to take down your turkey with ease and have a delicious Thanksgiving feast to show for it. So read on for more information!
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ToggleCan You Hunt Turkeys in the Afternoon?
Can You Turkey Hunt in the Evening? Yes, you can hunt turkeys in the afternoon – but there are a few things you need to consider when afternoon hunting.
First and foremost, you must be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding hunting turkeys. Different states have different rules, so you must know what the laws are in your area. In some states, it’s only legal to afternoon hunt turkeys during certain times.
What Is the Best Time to Hunt Turkeys in the Afternoon?
The Best Time to Kill a Turkey in the Afternoon is …There are a few different things you need to consider when trying to determine the best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon.
The most crucial factor is the temperature. Turkeys are more active in cooler temperatures, so it’s best to hunt them when it’s not too hot.
Another thing to consider is the amount of daylight. Turkeys are more active during the daytime, so you’ll have a better chance of killing one if you hunt.
Lastly, you need to take into account the turkey’s natural habits. Turkeys like to roost in trees at night, so they’re likelier to be outdoors during the day. They also want to feed in the morning and evening, so those are good times to hunt them.
Putting all of these factors together, the best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon is around dusk. This is when the temperature is more relaxed, there’s less daylight, and the turkeys are more active.
Afternoon Turkey Hunting Tips:
It can be tough to bag a turkey in the afternoon. The birds are more intelligent and cautious than in the morning, and the light is fading.
Even if you’ve hunted turkeys before, hunting them in the afternoon can be a different challenge. The birds are up and moving around more, and it’s harder to spot them against the sky or foliage.
Watch this video for tips on how to hunt turkeys in the afternoon. You’ll learn about the best times of day to go after them, where to find them, and how to outsmart them.
What Time Do Turkeys Roost in the Evening?
As we mentioned before, turkeys like to roost in trees at night. This means they’ll be up and about during the day, which is good news for hunters. If you’re looking to kill a turkey in the afternoon, you should focus on finding areas where the turkeys like to roost.
Turkeys usually roost in areas with tall trees, such as forests. They’ll fly up into the trees to roost for the night, so if you can find a forest with tall trees, you’re likely to find some turkeys.
Best Time to Kill a Turkey in the Afternoon: (Best Time of Day to Hunt Turkey)
The best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon is midday or early afternoon. The turkey is the most active and will be easier to target. Make sure to have a clean shot and take the turkey down with one shot to avoid wounding it.
Harvesting a turkey is essential to enjoying a Thanksgiving feast, so make sure to do it right!
What Do Turkeys Do During the Day?
During the day, turkeys typically sneak toward loafing areas. These are areas where they can rest and avoid predators. Turkeys will also use these areas to preen themselves and socialize with other flock members.
In the afternoon, turkeys are typically more active in searching for food. They’ll also be more active during the morning and evening, as these are the times when they usually eat.
Keep this in mind when determining the best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon. The best time to hunt them is when they’re most active, typically in the morning and evening.
How to Locate Turkeys in the Evening?
It’s hard to bag a turkey in the afternoon. The birds are usually up in the trees and hard to see. It is tough to bag a turkey during the day, but it can also be frustrating when you spend hours stalking one bird, and he manages to stay just out of reach.
Watch this video for three tips to help you locate turkeys in the evening. With these tips, you’ll be able to bag your dinner in no time!
How Late Can You Turkey Hunt?
Hunting season for turkey typically starts in the spring, but in some states, it may begin as early as February.
Check with your state’s Fish and Wildlife Department to determine the exact start date for running and gunning turkey hunting season. The late season usually runs from May until the end of June.
As for how late you can hunt turkey, most states have a half-hour before sunrise until sunset rule. So, if the light is at 6 a.m., you can start tracking at 5:30 a.m.
And if sunset is at 8 p.m., you must wrap up your hunt by 7:30 p.m. Of course, these times will vary depending on the time of year and your location.
There are also special rules for hunting turkey on federal land. These rules are in place to protect the birds and their habitat. You can learn more about these rules by visiting the United States Forest Service website.
Now that you know the best time of day to hunt turkey and some tips on how to locate them, it’s time to get out there and bag your Thanksgiving dinner!
How Do You Kill a Turkey Late in the Afternoon?
The best way to kill a turkey is late in the afternoon with a shotgun. The shotgun will allow you to take the turkey down with one shot, which is crucial because you don’t want to wound the bird and have it suffer.
Make sure you’re using the correct ammunition for your shotgun. Turkey shot is typically size 4 or 5. You’ll also want to use a heavy load, such as 1 ounce, so the shot has enough power to kill the bird.
Aim for the turkey’s head or neck when you’re ready to take the shot. This will ensure a quick and humane kill.
What Time of Day Are Most Turkeys Killed?
Most turkeys are killed before 8 a.m. The reasoning is that the earlier they’re killed, the more tender the meat will be. By killing them at night, the birds have a chance to tense up, and their muscles will become more challenging.
So, if you want to ensure that your turkey is tender and juicy, it’s best to kill it early in the morning. Of course, you’ll have to get up early to do the deed! But it will be worth it when you sit down to a delicious Thanksgiving feast.
What Time of Day Is Best for Turkey Hunting?
The best time of day for turkey hunting is in the morning; Turkey morning hunting starts right after sunrise. The birds are typically more active in the morning, so you’ll have a better chance of bagging one.
Plus, the light is typically better in the morning, so you’ll see the birds better. If you’re hunting in the afternoon, the sun will be in your eyes, and it will be more challenging to spot the turkeys.
So, if you want to increase your chances of success, it’s best to head out early in the morning and start your hunt as soon as the sun comes up.
What Time Do Turkeys Wake Up?
Turkeys usually wake up in the morning and early afternoon hours.
During the morning, they may become active as early as 4 or 5 a.m.; during the afternoon, they may become involved as early as 1 or 2 p.m.
However, there is no set time for all turkeys to wake up, and some may be more active at different times.
What Time Do Turkeys Roost in the fall?
There isn’t a definitive answer to this question since turkeys can roost at different times depending on the season and location.
However, turkeys generally tend to roost at either dusk or dawn. So if you’re wondering when turkeys roost in the fall, it’s likely that they’ll do so either just as the sun is setting or just as it’s beginning to rise.
Best Time of Day to Hunt Turkey in spring
There’s no definitive answer to this question, as different turkeys behave differently, and each hunter has their preferences. However, many hunters find that the best time of day to hunt turkey in spring is in the morning.
The early morning hours tend to be when the turkeys are most active, making them easier to spot and stalk.
Additionally, the cooler temperatures make it more comfortable for hunters to sit patiently in wait for their target.
Of course, every situation is different, so ultimately, it’s up to each hunter to decide what time of day works best for them.
Best Time to Turkey Hunt Nebraska
The best time to turkey hunt in Nebraska depends on what type of weapon you are using. Archery season opens March 25, and the shotgun season opens April 16.
However, both seasons close on May 31. So, if you want to use a firearm, the best time to turkey hunt in Nebraska is between April 16 and May 31. If you want to use a bow and arrow, the best time to hunt turkey in Nebraska is between March 25 and May 31.
Best Time to Turkey Hunt in Wisconsin
The best time to turkey hunt in Wisconsin is in the morning. That’s when the turkeys are most active, and you’ll have the best chance of getting one.
But it’s also a good idea to be out there in the early afternoon, as that’s when they tend to feed. So if you can, hunt during both periods for the best results. Wisconsin fishing reports
Afternoon Turkey Hunting in Alabama
The afternoon is a great time to hunt turkey in Alabama. That’s because the turkeys tend to be more active in the afternoon, making them easier to spot and stalk.
Additionally, the temperatures are usually a bit cooler in the afternoon, making it more comfortable for hunters to sit patiently in wait for their target.
Of course, every situation is different, so ultimately, it’s up to each hunter to decide what time of day works best for them.
Best Time to Turkey Hunt in Indiana
Indiana spring wild turkey season starts April 26 and goes through May 14. To bag a gobbler, you’ll need to know where to find them.
According to the Department of Natural Resources, turkeys prefer forests with a closed canopy and plenty of ground cover.
They like areas with plenty of nuts, seeds, and insects to eat. Look for ridges, turkey woods, creek bottoms, fields near woods, or abandoned farmsteads. Gobblers tend to be most active in the morning and late in the afternoon.
So, there you have it. The best time to kill a turkey in the afternoon. So, what is the best time to kill a turkey? The answer may surprise you. Killing turkeys in the morning can cause undue stress, affecting their meat quality. Instead, kill them later in the day when they’re calm and relaxed. If you’re looking for an easier way to take down your Thanksgiving bird this year, follow these simple tips, and you’ll be carving up that turkey like a pro in no time! Happy hunting.
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