Does Fishing Line Go Bad? When & Why You Should (Change It)

does fishing line go bad

When most anglers go fishing, they only think about one thing – catching the fish. But what about the fishing line? Does fishing line go bad over time? If so, how do you know when to replace it?

We’ve all been there. You go to use your favorite fishing line, but when you spool it out, it’s all tangled and knotted up. So what do you do? Do you get rid of it and buy a new one? Or is there something you can do to salvage it?

In this blog post, we’ll answer those questions and more! We’ll also discuss when you should change your fishing line and why. Keep reading to learn more!

Does Fishing Line Go Bad with Age?

Fishing lines are made of various materials, including nylon, fluorocarbon, and braided line. Nylon fishing line is the most common and popular type – it’s strong, flexible, and relatively cheap. Fluorocarbon and braided fishing lines are also popular choices, but they’re more expensive.

All types of fishing lines can go bad with age. Over time, the line will become weak and brittle. It will also become more prone to tangles and knots. The good news is that you can usually tell when your line needs to be replaced.

How Long Does Fishing Line Last?

It’s difficult to find a product that doesn’t have an expiration date.

However, the life expectancy of the fishing line varies greatly depending on what kind you use: monofilament averages 2-3 years, while fluorocarbon can last up to 7 or 8 without losing its edge!

Does Fishing Line Have a Shelf Life?

The fishing line does have a shelf life, but it’s important to note that this isn’t the same as its expiration date. The shelf life of any product is the amount of time it can be stored before it starts to degrade.

For example, you wouldn’t want to use a fishing line that’s been stored in a hot garage for years. The heat would cause the line to degrade and become weak.

On the other hand, a fishing line stored in a cool, dry place will last longer than monofilament.

How Often Should You Replace Fishing Line?

The short answer to this query depends on a few factors, including the type of fishing line you use, how often you fish, and how well you take care of your line.

Generally, you should replace your fishing line at least once per year. But if you use your line frequently, you may need to replace it more often.

For example, if you fish a lot in saltwater, you’ll need to replace your line more often than someone who only fishes in freshwater. This is because saltwater is much harder on the fishing line than freshwater.

Why Does Fishing Line Go Bad?

The fishing line goes bad for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is age – as the line gets older, it becomes weak and brittle.

Other factors that can cause the fishing line to go bad include:

  • Sunlight: The sun’s UV light can weaken and wear and tear the fishing line.
  • Chemicals: If you use your line in chemically treated water, the chemicals can break down the line.
  • Knots and tangles: It will become tangled and knotted if you don’t care for your line. This can affect the line to break when you try to use it.
  • Sharp objects: If you drag your line over sharp rocks or other objects, it can damage and weaken the line.

How to Tell if Fishing Line is Bad?

There are a few signs that you can look for to tell if your fishing line is bad:

  • The line is discolored: If the line has turned yellow or brown, it’s a sign that it’s old and needs to be replaced.
  • The line is brittle: If the line feels stiff or brittle, it’s a sign that it’s gone bad.
  • The line is frayed: If the line is frayed or has cuts in it, it’s a sign that it needs to be replaced.
  • The line is tangled: If the line is constantly getting tangled, it’s a sign that it’s gone bad.

If you see any sign of the above, it’s time to replace your fishing line.

Does Fishing Line Go Bad When Stored in a Hot Garage?

It’s not recommended to store your fishing line in a hot garage. The heat can cause the line to degrade and become weak.

If you are living in a very warm climate, it’s best to store your fishing line in a cool, dry place.

The best way to ensure your fishing line lasts for years, even if you don’t use it all at once! Storing the extra in a cool, dry place will help maintain its quality.

When to Replace Fishing Line?

You should change your fishing line once or twice a year. If you use it more than that, the structure will degrade and weaken, making it tangle-prone! If you don’t use it as often, it should do the trick once a year.

How to Test If Fishing Line Is Still Good?

Fishing is a fun and relaxing pastime, but you don’t want to waste your time fishing with a bad line. Like most anglers, you probably don’t have the time or money to waste on a fishing trip where all you catch are bait stealers.

This video will teach you to test if your fishing line is still good. This easy method can help save you time and money by ensuring that your line is in good condition before hitting the water.

How Long Does It Take for your Fishing Line to Decay?

A fishing line can last for years if it’s stored properly. However, the line will eventually degrade and become weak.

The amount of time it takes for the line to decay will depend on some factors, including how often you use it and how well you take care of it.

The environmental impact of fishing lines can be minimalized with biodegradable monofilament.

These develop over time and do not take up much space in landfills, unlike other types, which after being used for one day, will need recycling or disposal due to their non-biodegrade ability.

Does Monofilament Go Bad?

The monofilament and fluorocarbon line will eventually go bad after a couple of seasons of use in the water. Even new fishing lines can lose their effectiveness if stored improperly, so it is essential to keep them away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, they might start breaking at inopportune times when you need that strength!

How Long Does Monofilament Fishing Line Last in Storage?

Monofilament lines can last for 1-3 years. It depends on the frequency you use your line, what kind of fish they are fishing with, and where the line was stored when not in use!

The most important thing is to keep the line away from direct sunlight and heat, making the line degrade faster.

What Is the Shelf Life of Fluorocarbon Fishing Line?

Fluorocarbon fishing lines are some of the most durable on earth, with an average life span of seven or eight years!. This is due to the multiple resins and coatings used during the manufacturing process and the incredibly strong fluorocarbon polymer that the line is made out of.

While it is one of the more expensive types of fishing line, its lifespan makes it a very popular choice among anglers of all levels of experience.

How to Prolong the Life of Your Fishing Line? (Does Fishing Line Get Old)

The best way to prolong the life of your fishing line is to store it in a cool, dry place. If you live in a hot country, it’s best to store your fishing line in a cool, dry place.

The best way to ensure your fishing line lasts for years, even if you don’t use it all at once! Storing the extra in a cool, dry place will help maintain its quality.

You should also change your fishing line once or twice a year. If you use it more than that, the structure will degrade and weaken, making it tangle-prone!

Does Braided Fishing Line Go Bad?

The high quality of this braided line means that it lasts for many years without needing to be replaced.

How Long Does Braided Fishing Line Last?

A braided fishing line can last for years as long as it’s stored properly. The crucial thing to prolonging the life of your braided fishing line is to keep it away from direct sunlight and heat.

Does Fishing Line Go Bad on Spool?

A fishing line stored on fishing reels can last for years as long as it’s kept in a cool, dry place. The last thing anglers need is for their line to snap, especially if you’re trying to reel in a big one.

The only way this can happen? Degrade over time! So don’t worry about what year it was made or when the packaging first came out. Just buy some new fishing gear today so that tomorrow won’t be too late already.

How Long Is Fishing Line Good for on the Spool?

You can keep your fishing line on the spool for years before it gets weak. I found that an unused spool maintained its strength for about 3 or 4, and then only one season after being pulled out of commission would you need to replace them with new ones!


So, does fishing line go bad? The short answer to this query is a little complicated. The fishing line does not technically “go bad” because it will suddenly stop working or cause your bait to fall off the hook. However, the fishing line can become brittle and weak with age, which means it’s more likely to break when trying to reel in a big fish. So if you’ve been storing your spools of fishing line for a few years, it might be time to buy some new line and give those old spools a rest.

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