Do Fish Have Ears? The Surprising Answer Revealed!

do fish have ears

Do fish have ears? You’ve probably heard that fish can’t hear because they don’t have ears, but is that true? It’s a common misconception that fish can’t hear because they don’t have ears. Fish have ears and use them to communicate and hunt prey.

When it comes to fish, there are a lot of questions that people have about them. One common question is whether or not fish have ears. It’s a valid question since most animals with ears also have hair cells. So do fish have ears? The answer might surprise you! Keep reading to find out more.

Does a Fish Have Ears? (Do Fish Have Ears Can They Hear?)

Yes, fish have ears. Fish don’t have ears that we can see, but they do give off the appearance of having something stuck on their heads. They are located on the sides of their head, behind their eyes.

Some fish even have inner ears, which are similar to our own. These inner ears help the fish to keep their balance and to orient themselves in the water.

The ears of a fish are very different from ours, but they serve the same purpose. Fish use their ears to hear sounds in the water, and they also use them to communicate with other fish.

What Are Fish Ears Called?

The fish ears are called otoliths. Small bones in the inner ear stones help the fish balance and orient themselves in water. Otoliths are composed of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate, and they contain concentric growth rings that can be used to estimate a fish’s age.

Can Fish Hear You Talk?

Yes, fish can hear you talk. They can also hear other sounds, such as the sound of a boat engine or the sound of other animals in the water. Fish use their sense of hearing to help them find food, avoid predators, and communicate with other fish.

How Do Fish Hear Sounds?

How Do Fish Hear? Fish hear by detecting sound waves in the water. Sound waves travel through the water and vibrate the fish’s otoliths. This vibration is then sent to the fish’s brain, which interprets it as sound.

Fish use their sense of hearing for a variety of purposes. They use it to communicate with other fish, find mates, and locate food. Fish also use their sense of hearing to avoid predators.

Do Any Fish Have Ears? (Fish with Ears)

Fish are intelligent and have evolved senses to pick up sounds around them. They can’t see or hear as we do, but their inner ears allow for hearing sound coming in any direction – even if it’s inside out!

There are over 32,000 species of fish, and all of them have ears. Some fish even have inner ears, which are similar to our own.

These inner ears help the fish to keep their balance and to orient themselves in the water. The ears of a fish are very different from ours, but they serve the same purpose.

Why Do Fish Not Have Outer Ears?

Fish do not have external ears because they pick up sounds in the water through their bodies and internal ears. The bones of the jaw and skull conduct sound to the back of the head, where the inner ear is located.

The function of an outer ear is to collect sound waves and direct them into the ear canal, but since fish live in water, they don’t need an outer ear for this purpose. 

The inner ear of a fish contains both hearing organs and equilibrium organs. The hearing part of the inner ear is called the auditory portion, while the balance part is organs called the vestibular portion. 

The acoustic portion consists of two sac-like structures, the utricle, and saccule. These are filled with a jelly-like substance called the otolithic membrane, studded with tiny calcium carbonate crystals known as otoconia.

Can Fish Hear Better Than Humans?

Most fish species indeed have hearing ranges that are more limited than ours, but there are some exceptions.

For example, the electric eel can sense electricity and communicate through electrical signals with others of its species. Some fish can also hear very low-frequency sounds, which is something humans can’t do.

Can a Fish Drown?

No, fish cannot drown because they live in water. However, they can suffocate if they cannot get enough oxygen from the water.

Fish breathe through their gills, which extract oxygen from the water and pass it into the bloodstream. Fish can die from a lack of oxygen, but they don’t inhale the water.

If a fish is unable to get enough oxygen, it will suffocate and die. This can happen if the water is too warm, too polluted, or if the fish is unable to move.

Can Fish Love Their Owners?

Yes, fish can love their owners. Fish can form attachments to people, and they will often recognize their owners and respond to them.

Fish owners often report that their fish enjoy being around them and interact with them in various ways. For example, some fish will follow their owners around, while others will flare their fins or swim up to the glass when they see them.

While fish might not show their affection in the same way that a dog or cat would, there’s no doubt that they can form strong bonds with their owners.

Do Fishes Sleep?

Yes, fish do sleep. However, they don’t sleep in the same way that we do. Fish constantly move, so they don’t have to worry about falling asleep. Instead, they enter a state of rest known as torpor.

The fish’s metabolism slows down in this state, becoming less active. This allows them to save energy and survive in environments where food is scarce.

What Are Fish Afraid Of?

The researchers found that fish became even more afraid of their reflections when they saw them making the same moves as them and appearing to fight back.

Fish are afraid of predators, loud noises, and sudden movements. They will often hide when they sense danger.

Some fish species have developed particular adaptations to help them avoid predators. For example, some fish can change their color to blend in with their surroundings. Others have spikes or poisonous fins that deter predators. Some fish will even play dead to avoid being eaten.

Do Fish Like Music?

Some fish attract certain sounds and vibrations, while others repel them.

A perfect example is the type of music you listen to; some will make your favorite song play in their head like it’s just another day at sea; other times, we find ourselves cringing from an unexpected loud sound or poorly tuned instrument (even if our own!)

Music can change how fish behave in the water, including what they eat and how often they swim. In a study published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science, researchers found that producing sounds classical music caused goldfish to eat less and swim more.

How Do I Play with My Fish?

Fish keeping can be daunting, but with the correct information, you can easily create a fun and vibrant home for your fish. 

Many people give up on fish keeping because they think it’s too hard or they don’t know how to take care of their fish correctly.

Watch this video and learn How Do I Play with My Fish? My Fish Loves Me! He would rather play than eat! This video is packed with information that will help you make your fish-keeping experience a success.

Commonly Asked Questions About Do Fish Have Ears & How Do Fish Hear Sounds (FAQ)

Do Fish Have Feelings?

There is no scientific evidence that fish have feelings. However, some researchers believe that fish may be capable of experiencing pain. This is because they have a nervous system and can react to environmental stimuli.

Do Fish Hear Things?

Yes, fish can hear things. They have an inner ear that helps them detect sound waves. Fish use their sense of hearing to avoid predators, find food, and communicate with other fish.

Can Fish See Things?

Yes, fish can see things. They have eyes that are similar to our own. Fish use their sense of sight to avoid predators, find food, and communicate with other fish.

Do Betta Fish Have Ears?

Yes, The betta has an internal “ear” that allows it to hear things dropped into its aquarium. The fish also possess a set of bones in their heads similar to those found inside our own Hammer, Anvil, and stirrup species for hearing—which is crucial when living so close together!

Do Goldfish Have Ears?

Goldfish have two different ways of hearing sound. The inner ear and lateral line system are both used to detect changes in pressure, which allows them to navigate around their environment by feeling differences between air pockets or movements underwater with soft feathered pads on either side of the fish’s body that function much like our own eardrums do when we listen closely enough so as not be nauseated during normal conversation!

Do Sharks Have Ears?

The internal ear of a shark is very similar to that of humans, but it’s sensitive enough for fish can detect struggling fishes from great distances away. The balance control system inside their heads can work with just one quick listen!

Do Fish Have Hearts?

Yes, fish have hearts. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood through the body. Fish hearts are similar to human hearts but are much more straightforward. The heart is located near the fish’s gills.

Do Whales Have Ears?

Yes, whales have ears. The massive, porcelaneous bones of the whale’s ears act like an echo system to help it pinpoint locations far away from where they’re listening.

Do Fish Have Nose?

Fish have two pairs of nostrils located right below their mouth. The water is pushed into the nasal cavity through these openings to sniff out food or detect danger before it can be destroyed!

Do Fish Hear Like Humans?

Some fish can hear sounds as high as 5000Hz, which is about the limit for human hearing abilities. These include many species that live in deep water and others with exceptional sensitivity to infrasound or ultrasound.

It’s not always easy for us humans out on land-based adventures tooth collects all this information from our surroundings. Still, if we were inhabitants of either aquatic onesie, they might have more insight into what was happening around them.

What Animals Don’t Have Ears?

There are a few animals that don’t have ears. These include snakes, some lizards, and a few species of fish. Snakes and lizards rely on their sense of smell and vibration to detect their surroundings.


So, do fish have ears? Although more research is needed to determine the full extent ability of fish hearing, it’s clear that they can perceive and react to sound in their environment. This makes sense, as sound waves can travel great distances underwater and be used to communicate with other fish or predators. If you’re looking for a fun way to engage your pet fish, try talking or making some noise near their tank – you may be surprised at how much they can hear!

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