Where Do You Shoot a Turkey with a Shotgun? (Solved)

where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun

Where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun? As a proud turkey hunter, you want to ensure that you position yourself in the best spot possible to take down your bird. 

Just wounding or spooking a turkey can be pretty frustrating, so positioning yourself for an accurate and clean shot is critical.

This blog post will explain where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun pellets based on its body positioning. Happy hunting!

Where Do You Shoot a Turkey with a Shotgun?

When it comes to turkey hunting, success is all about making a clean kill. And to do that, you need to put the bird down with one well-placed shot. That’s why knowing where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun is so essential. 

The best shot placement for turkey is in the head and neck region. This area is relatively small, so you’ll need to be precise with your shot. But if you can hit this area, it will effectively take the bird down. 

Some hunters also like to aim for the chest area, which can be effective. However, you risk puncturing the bird’s lungs and causing it suffering without killing it outright.

Where to Shoot a Turkey with a Shotgun? (5 Positioning Tips)

If you’re like most people, you’ve never hunted a turkey before. 

Even if you have hunted turkeys before, the rules and regulations for hunting them can vary significantly from state to state. 

Use our guide to help you figure out the best place to shoot a turkey with your shotgun this season. Our guide includes tips on identifying the correct bird, what type of shot to use, and where to aim on a turkey for a quick and clean kill.

The 5 Tips to Shoot a Turkey with a Shotgun:

  • Aim for the head and neck region when the turkey is facing you.
  • If the turkey stands sideways, you can still aim for the head and neck region.
  • When the turkey is quartering away from you, take your shot just behind the wing butt.
  • If the turkey is running away from you, aim for the body’s center.
  • When all else fails, shoot for the legs. This will at least disable the bird and give you a chance to retrieve it. Happy hunting!

Best Shot Size for Turkey

When determining the perfect shot size for turkey hunting, several factors must be in your mind. Shot sizes range from tiny #9 to the largest #4 steel shot. The appropriate shot size for a particular situation depends on various criteria, including shotgun gauge, choke constriction, distance, and bird size or species. 

For typical turkey hunting scenarios, an appropriate sizing is usually between #5 and #7 lead or copper-plated lead shotshells; however, many experienced hunters also use larger steel shots (#2) if they plan to shoot at extended ranges (35-50 yds).

When using steel shot, you should choose larger pellet sizes (4X or 3X) over smaller pellet sizes such as BBs and BBBs, which have less penetration power due to their small diameter.

One benefit of using large steel pellets is that you can use them in guns with tighter chokes than what’s typically recommended for lead ammo – this will further increase your range capabilities by about 10%.

It’s important to note that all pellets must be used at muzzle velocities under 1300 fps to penetrate the thick hides of a turkey effectively. 

In general terms, the more dense type of round pattern that shotgun ammunition delivers is desirable when shooting turkeys; this means choosing magnum shells with higher muzzle velocity and load density.

Heavier loads such as magnums typically give denser patterns because they contain more but slightly smaller shots; these provide improved penetration into densely feathered birds even out at longer distances (40+ yards).

Remember, though, that too much muzzle velocity/density might make it difficult to hit moving targets – so strike a balance between penetrating power and accuracy when selecting your shell type if you plan on long-range shooting!

How to Pattern a Shotgun for Turkey Hunting?

To shoot a turkey with a shotgun, you must know how to pattern your gun. This means figuring out how your shotgun shoots at different distances

You can do this by setting up a target at various distances and seeing where your shot pattern falls on the target. Once you know where your gun is shooting, you can adjust your Aim accordingly. 

You’ve never hunted turkeys before and don’t know how to go about patterning the best turkey hunting shotgun for the hunt. 

Like most people, you want to bag a turkey this year but don’t know how to pattern your shotgun. You could spend hours on the internet reading articles or watching videos or watching this one video that will teach you everything you need to know.

This video will show you how to pattern your shotgun for turkey hunting in just minutes. You’ll learn what kind of shells to use, where to aim, and how far away to stand from the target. 

After watching this video, you’ll be ready to hit the turkey woods and start bagging some birds!

Turkey Hunting Regulations and Seasons

Turkey’s hunting seasons and regulations can vary significantly from state to state. It’s essential to check with your local wildlife agency for the most up-to-date information. 

In general, turkey hunting seasons fall during the spring when turkeys are actively breeding. The dates can vary depending on the state, but most seasons run from late April through early May. 

Some states also offer a fall turkey season, which typically runs from October through December. These seasons coincide with the turkey’s mating season, making them good times to bag a bird. 

There are also different regulations for the type of the best turkey hunting shotgun you can use to hunt turkeys. In most states, you can only use shotguns that shoot shotgun shells designated as “non-toxic.” 

This means that the shotgun shells can not contain lead shots. Lead shot is known to be harmful to the environment, so using non-toxic shotgun shells is a way to help protect the environment. 

Where to Aim at a Turkey with a Shotgun?

It would help if you aimed for the head and neck area of the bird. This is where the kill zone is located, and a well-placed shot will take the bird down quickly. Aiming for this area increases your chances of a successful shot and a quicker kill. 

If the turkey faces you, it will be easier to hit the head and neck area. However, if the bird is turned to the side or quartering away from you, it can be more difficult to hit this area. In these cases, you may need to adjust your Aim slightly. 

If the turkey is running away from you, it can be challenging to hit the head and neck area. In this case, you should aim for the center of the body. This will at least disable the bird and give you a chance to retrieve it. 

Can You Hunt Turkey with a Rifle?

Answer: turkey hunting regulations In the United States, turkeys can be legally hunted with air rifles of at least 0.177 calibers

The regulations vary from state to state, so it’s always best to check with your local wildlife management agency before heading out. 

Air rifles provide a quieter hunting option than traditional firearms and can be just as effective in taking down games if used correctly. When choosing an air rifle for turkey hunting, look for one powerful enough to take down the bird with a single well-placed shot. 

A highly skilled hunter may be able to take down a turkey with a less powerful air rifle, but for most hunters, it is best to err on the side of caution and choose a gun that packs a bit more punch.

Where to Shoot a Turkey with a Rifle?

When hunting with an air rifle, you should aim for the head and neck area of the bird. This is where the kill zone is located, and a well-placed shot will take the bird down quickly. 

Aiming for this area increases your chances of a successful shot and a quicker kill. If the turkey faces you, it will be easier to hit the head and neck area. However, if the bird is turned to the side or quartering away from you, it can be more difficult to hit this area. 

What is the Best Shotgun Shell for Turkey Hunting? – What Rifle for Turkey Hunting?

There are many different types of shotgun shells on the Market, and it cannot be easy to know which one is the best for turkey hunting. 

In general, you want to choose a shell designated as “non-toxic,” at least 3 inches in length. 

The type of shot you choose is also essential. Lead shot is illegal in many states, so you’ll want to choose a shell that contains steel, bismuth, or tungsten shots.

TOP 5 Best Turkey Shotguns on the Market:

You’ve been tasked with getting a the best turkey shotgun for the hunting trips, but you have no idea where to start. 

There are so many different shotguns on the Market that it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Do you go with a pump action or a semi-automatic? What about the barrel length?

Check out our list of the TOP 5 Best Turkey Shotguns on the Market. We’ve done all the hard work for you and found the best shotguns to make hunting turkeys a breeze.

Umarex Hammer .50 Caliber PCP Pellet Gun Air Rifle
  • The most powerful production air rifle on the planet; Dumps a ton...
  • One full tank delivers 4 full power regulated shots + 1 finishing...
  • Ultralight 4500 psi, 24 cubic inch carbon fiber air tank; Modern...
  • Very quiet shooting; Includes two 2-shot linear mags; Straight...
  • Crimson Trace Shotgun Lasersaddle with Ambidextrous Control
  • Benjamin Armada Air Rifle
  • Henry Turkey Shotgun
  • 410 Turkey Shotgun
  • Mossberg Turkey Shotgun

Are Shotguns Made in Turkey Any Good?

There are a lot of misconceptions about shotguns made in Turkey. Some people believe they’re not as good as shotguns made in other countries, but this isn’t true. 

Turkey has a long history of gun manufacturing, and they know a thing or two about making high-quality shotguns. Some of the best shotguns on the Market are made in Turkey. 

So, if you’re in the market for a new 20 yards shotgun, don’t discount the ones made in Turkey. You might be surprised at how good they are.

Where to Shoot a Turkey with a 12 Gauge?

When hunting with a 12 gauge shotgun, the best place to shoot a turkey is in the head. Aim for the eyes, or if you’re not confident in your marksmanship, aim for the base of the neck where it meets the shoulders. Shooting a turkey in this spot will quickly bring it down.

If you’re hunting turkeys, remember to always adhere to your state’s hunting regulations regarding shot size, weapon type, and deer season dates. It’s also essential to practice with your weapon before taking on a live turkey. 

Remember that safety should always be your priority when hunting. Have fun and good luck!

Wild Turkey Hunting: Laws & Rules:

Before you go out turkey hunting, it’s important to know the laws and rules in your state. Each state has different season dates, weapon types, and shot size regulations. 

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines or jail time. So, before you head out to hunt turkeys, make sure you know the laws.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • In most states, you can only hunt turkeys with a shotgun.
  • The shotgun must be 12 gauge or smaller.
  • Lead shot is illegal in many states, so you’ll need to use steel, bismuth, or tungsten.
  • Check your state’s hunting regulations for the season dates and bag limits.

When you’re ready to go out turkey hunting, be sure to follow all of the rules and regulations. Doing so will help to ensure a safe and successful hunt. Good luck!

When Is Wild Turkey Hunting Season?

The wild turkey hunting season typically opens statewide in the spring, around March 26. It then runs through May 1. 

Some areas may have different opening and closing dates for the season, so it’s always best to check with your local wildlife department before heading out. 

During the season, male turkeys, or tom’s head, are the only ones that can be legally harvested. This is because they are the only ones that have a visible beard.

Remember, before heading out to hunt turkeys, be sure to check your state’s hunting regulations. Each state has laws regarding season dates, weapon type, and shot size.

Where to Hunt Wild Turkey?

There are many different places where you can hunt wild turkey. They can be found in forests, fields, and even backyards.

When choosing a spot to hunt, there are a few things to remember. First, you’ll need to find an area where turkeys are known to live. You can ask around at your local wildlife department or do some research online.

Once you’ve found a suitable location, you’ll need permission from the landowner before you can hunt there. Once you have permission, you’re ready to start hunting.

How to Hunt Wild Turkey in the Fall? (Fall Turkey Hunting Tips)

You’ve never hunted wild turkeys before and don’t know where to start. 

Hunting wild turkeys can be a lot of fun, but doing your research first is essential to have the best chance of success.

This video offers great tips on hunting wild turkeys in the fall. Learn about the types of turkey hunting, what hunting gear you’ll need, how to set up your blind, and more about where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun.

How Far Can You Shoot a Turkey with a 20 Gauge?

It’s a well-known fact that turkeys are tricky creatures. So tough that some people believe you need a 20 gauge shotgun to take one down. But how far can you shoot a turkey with a 20 gauge?

Well, according to experts, the answer is 40 yards and beyond. You can easily take down a turkey with a 20 gauge from well beyond the usual shooting range with some practice.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, as with anything in life. If you’re lucky enough – or skilled enough – to find yourself in just the right situation, you might be able to take down a turkey with a 20 gauge from even further away.

But in general, 30 yards to 40 yards is a good rule of thumb to follow when trying to figure out how far you can shoot a turkey with a 20 gauge.


So, where to shoot a turkey with a shotgun? If you are looking to hunt turkeys, it is crucial to understand the best places to shoot a turkey with a shotgun. By understanding how turkeys behave and where they like to roost, you can increase your chances of success in the field. Always practice safe hunting and adhere to all state hunting regulations. If you are looking to go turkey hunting, be sure to familiarize yourself with the regulations and seasons in your state. Make sure you have the appropriate gear and clothing for the weather, and get out there and enjoy this fun outdoor activity! Keep read on the entire blog post on where to shoot turkey with shotgun – Have fun and good luck in the field this season!

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